Newsletter Press

People’s Climate Case

The real repercussions of climate change are already tangible – from Fiji to Langeoog. Ten families from Europe and from developing and emerging nations, who are all affected by the climate crisis, took their case to the Court of the European Union in 2018. They claimed the EU climate goals for 2030 were insufficient to avert the dangerous consequences of climate change, and therefore violated the basic human rights of the plaintiffs.

Save the Bees

Great success with the people’s petition to retain biodiversity and natural beauty in Bavaria The biggest threat to humanity, apart from the climate crisis, is the decline in biodiversity. The […]

Munich’s exit from coal

The burning of coal is the most environmentally harmful form of energy generation and makes a significant contribution to climate change. Coal emissions are known to be damaging to human health, as they cause illnesses and lead to premature death. While there has been much discussion nationwide about the urgent need to exit from lignite coal mining, the burning question in Munich was how to close down the hard-coal-fired power plant HKW Nord.