Newsletter Press

Legal report: Climate protection duties for companies

Large companies are already obliged under German law to align their business models with the 1.5-degree target of the Paris Climate Agreement. Unnoticed by large parts of the economy to date, there are already tangible climate-related obligations that force companies to act. This is the conclusion of a legal report published by the Hamburg law firm Günther, which was commissioned by the Sick Environmental Foundation together with the environmental organizations Germanwatch and Protect the Planet.

Action 2023: Leave the coal in the ground

In January 2023, the Corporate Climate Action alliance met up again in Lützerath to demonstrate for an exit from lignite and a switch to sustainable industry. This alliance of entrepreneurs set up by Protect the Planet in 2021 shows that many companies are already making serious efforts to combat climate change and are even prepared to take to the streets. It is clear to them that our economy and ecology must go hand-in-hand and that good money can (and must!) be made in business without destroying the planet or endangering the climate.

People’s Petition to “Keep the City Green”

Green spaces are the “lungs of the city” – and urgency is required to save and maintain them in the face of ongoing global warming, heatwaves and extreme drought conditions. In addition, these green spaces are increasingly sacrificed for the profit of investors or to address the housing shortage – at the cost of our environment, climate and the quality of urban life. This is why we campaigned in Munich in particular for de-sealing and the retention of green spaces and woodland areas: ultimately succeeding with the People’s Petition “Keep the City Green”.

Nothing good about gas

Exit Spirit Energy: we called on the Munich utility company to say goodbye to its damaging oil and gas-fired business via its shares in the Spirit Energy company. Like many municipal companies, the Munich utility company SWM, despite its green image campaign, has been embroiled in oil and gas business for years. The critical challenge – issued by Fossil Free and the Clean Energy for Munich network in particular, of which we are a part – addressed the issue of greenwashing and also informed the general public and the media, effectively persuading the Munich City Council – in the interests of their own credibility – to end the participation of the utility company in fossil-fuelled energy.

Get into geothermal energy! 

The Munich utility company (SWM) wanted to keep Munich residents in (fossil-fuel) shackles – despite the fact that an environmentally friendly resource beneath Munich (geothermal) was not out of reach – and had long been marketed by the very same SWM as its goal for 100 % renewables in Munich.

Action 2021: Lützerath must stay

In 2021, under the motto “Corporate Climate Action”, Protect the Planet formed a pro-active alliance of business people. The entrepreneurs of this group demonstrate that they too demand adherence to the 1.5 target and are even prepared to take to the streets with concrete action.

German Constitutional Complaint

The German Federal Government was deemed to be inadequately protecting the rights of future generations. In 2021, in an historic ruling, the German Constitutional Court identified parts of the Climate Protection Act of 2019 as unconstitutional. Nine young people had petitioned the court in the lead-up to this ruling.

Exit Spirit Energy

Exit Spirit Energy: we called on the Munich utility company to say goodbye to its damaging oil and gas-fired business via its shares in the Spirit Energy company.