Newsletter Press


© Julia Dittmann

The power of positive networking

An insight into our alliances and networks

“The whole is more than the sum of its parts” is a philosophy we subscribe to. After all, we can only stop the climate crisis by joining forces with many others. We need everyone on board!

Protect the Planet is active in a diverse range of climate change alliances and contributes to many different campaigns, from corporate and political to VIP and local activist initiatives. Networking is part of our DNA. Our projects Corporate Climate Action and WindRat are both based on effective networks.

In addition, we are a member of various alliances and campaigns. For instance, we are a nationwide member of the German climate alliance Klima-Allianz Deutschland e.V. and in Munich we are also successful at the local level in campaigning for climate justice and working alongside groups like the Munich Clean Energy lobby Saubere Energie München e.V.

Globally we cooperate by offering partner organisations global solutions to achieve our common goal of combatting the global climate crisis. This includes attending climate conferences, amongst other events.

Sign now: Climate money now!

Climate money now

CO2 prices must rise to protect the climate – but not without a social compensation mechanism to relieve the burden on low-income households.

This is why we – together with numerous other climate protection and social organizations – have launched the “Climate Money Now” initiative.

Help us with your signature to put maximum pressure on federal politicians to implement the climate money as quickly as possible, but at least before summer 2024.

Sign here now!

More about our alliances and memberships:

Our memberships

  • Klima-Allianz Deutschland e.V.

  • Netzwerk Saubere Energie München e.V.

  • Bundesverband Nachhaltige Wirtschaft e.V.

  • Climate Action Network Europe (CAN-E)

  • Beyond Fossil Fuels

Our alliances, targeted actions and campaigns

Our project partners

Our vision:

To stop the climate

We help prevent the climate catastrophe and make our planet just and liveable.

Current events


Our series of informative events cover a broad range of issues on all aspects of the environment and nature preservation, climate crisis, energy and mobility trends and sustainable lifestyles.

Many different experts provide in-depth analysis of the burning questions of our time, as we explore how to live a climate-friendly life.

News from the Planet